Try Hack Me: OWASP Top 10 Room Day 4 of 10
This is a FREE (meaning you don’t have to pay for subscription, just create an account) room on Try Hack Me that contains challenges with a goal to teach one of the OWASP vulnerabilities everyday for 10 days in a row. The challenges are:
Day 1: Injection
Day 2: Broken Authentication
Day 3: Sensitive Data Exposure
Day 4: XML External Entity
Day 5: Broken Access Control
Day 6: Security Misconfiguration
Day 7: Cross-site Scripting
Day 8: Insecure Deserialization
Day 9: Components with Known Vulnerabilities
Day 10: Insufficient Logging & Monitoring
Today’s challenge is Day 4: XML External Entity. I blurred the answers so you will have to do the steps yourself to reveal them.
Below are the challenge questions: (I was assigned a web server IP of Check your assigned IP address, yours will be different from mine). This is a short challenge, only 3 questions in [Task 17] [Day 4] that require your hands to get dirty to retrieve the answers:
- See if you can read the /etc/passwd by using the payload below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY read SYSTEM 'file:///etc/passwd'>]>
- What is the name of the user in /etc/passwd?
2. Where is the user’s SSH key located?
If you have been playing with linux, you should know where SSH keys are located
3. What are the first 18 characters for the user’s private key?
I highly recommend!